David Bock Author

Dick De Veaux (Williams College) is an award-winning teacher and consultant to major corporations. His real-world experiences and anecdotes illustrate many of the chapters. Dick has taught business students at Wharton, engineering students at Princeton, and liberal arts students at Williams. Dick was named the 2008 Mosteller Statistician of the Year, awarded by the Boston chapter of the American Statistical Association for exceptional contributions to the field of statistics and outstanding service to the statistical community. To learn more, please go to: http://www.williams.edu/admin/news/releases/1624/.   Paul Velleman (Cornell University) is the only statistician to win the EDUCAUSE award for innovating technology for learning. The developer of ActivStats® multimedia software, Data Desk® statistics software, and the DASL online archive of teaching datasets, his understanding of using and teaching with technology informs much of the book’s approach.   David Bock (Cornell University) won awards as a high school teacher of AP calculus and statistics and was a grader for the AP Statistics program from its inception. He is now the chief extension officer for the Cornell University mathematics department in charge of outreach to K-12 teachers. Dave’s wisdom about how students learn helps to shape the book’s pedagogy.