Liverpool Music Roots
Dave Jones - Paperback
Dave Jones is a developer and teacher living in Spokane, Washington. He has worked with many of the top Fortune 500 companies during the last 30 years of his career. Dave has a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Cal Poly, Pomona and has a Masters of Technology Management degree from Pepperdine University. He has always had a love for computers. He started his career by fi xing Apple computers in the early 1980s. He continued on his career path by working at Rockwell Space Division where he had the opportunity to work on various Space Shuttle ground and control systems. Dave continued his varied career by entering into the burgeoning Internet software industry, where he worked on developing white-label forum/bulletin board systems for many different startup companies. Some of these companies included Apple Computer, Microsoft, WebMD, Cisco, New York Times, UK Guardian, Dr. Phil and Oprah shows, Citicorp, Reader's Digest, Edmunds.com, Sony, Kodak, and many other fortune 500 companies. Throughout this interesting career, he was able to learn many of the technologies that are in use today and decided that he wanted to give back to the software community by teaching some of his life-long skills to new developers beginning their new careers. Dave began teaching at a Spokane Community college in the Software Development department in 2008. He currently teaches many different technologies including Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Agile development, CSS/HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, mobile development with Java on the Android OS, as well as Objective-C on Apple iOS devices. He records his lectures and makes them publically available on YouTube where thousands of developers around the world are benefi ting from his expertise. He is also the owner of a small software consulting company that helps pay for his teaching hobby. Dave has a passion for computers, Internet, and building software. He truly enjoys the interaction and satisfaction that comes from the creation of software tools.