Danielle Royer Author

Shaina Rudolph has been educating children in urban and suburban settings for 12 years. Working in different socioeconomic environments has allowed her the rare capability to develop close relationships with students from all walks of life. These relationships, in turn, have taught her the importance of reaching one's potential. She lives near Los Angeles, CA.

Danielle Royer has had a passion for teaching and working with children from a young age. Inspired by her two youngest brothers, both of whom have learning differences, she has always felt it extremely important that children feel comfortable and empowered in their own skin. Over her career, she has cultivated this message of empowerment to cater to her students' individual needs, no matter their stripes. She lives in Santa Monica, CA.

Jennifer Zivoin has always loved art and storytelling, so becoming an illustrator was a natural career path. She has been trained in media ranging from figure drawing to virtual reality, and earned her bachelor of arts degree with highest distinction from the honors division of Indiana University. During her professional career, Jennifer worked as a graphic designer and then as a creative director before finding her artistic niche illustrating children's books, including Something Happened in Our Town, Did You Hear?, and A World of Pausabilities. She lives in Indiana.Visit her at www.jzartworks.com.