Daniele Muscionico Author

H.P. Weberhans, born 1941 as Hans-Peter Weber in Zurich, trained as a draughtsman and as a potter. He travelled extensively in Africa from 1957-58 and has been living in Cornwall (1968), Karelia (1972-73) and Burgundy (1991-93). He has been awarded various public and private grants and lives and works in Zurich. Simon Maurer is director of the museum Helmhaus Zurich and head of visual arts at the Prasidialdepartement der Stadt Zurich. Hans-Joachim Muller read art history and philosophy and has been an art critic at the German weekly 'Die Zeit' and culture editor of 'Basler Zeitung', a major Swiss daily newspaper. He lives and works as a freelance publicist in Germany and Italy. Daniele Muscionico read German literature and linguistics and is a culture editor with 'Die Weltwoche', a major Swiss weekly newspaper.