Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event)
Martin Heidegger - Hardback
Charles E. Scott is Professor of Philosophy at The Pennsylvania State University. He is author of The Question of Ethics, On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethics and Politics, (both Indiana University Press)
and The Time of Memory.
Susan Schoenbohm has taught philosophy at Vanderbilt University, The University of the South, and The Pennsylvania State University. She has published several articles on Heidegger, contemporary Continental thought,
ancient Greek thought, and ancient Asian thought.
Alejandro Vallega teaches philosophy at California State University, Stanislaus.
Daniela Vallega-Neu teaches philosophy at California State University, Stanislaus. She is author of Die Notwendigkeit der Grundung in Zeitalter der Deconstruction: Zur Grundung in Heideggers Beiträge zur Philosophie Unter Hinzuziehung der Derridischen Deconstruction.