Daniela Schmeinck Editor

Gillian Kidman is the Co-Editor of the journal International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education (IRGEE). Gillian holds the following international leadership positions: Australian Representative – Steering Committee,  International Geographical Union-Commission Geographical Education (IGU-CGE); Group Leader - Sub-Committee for Diversifying Research, (IGU-CGE); President of International Organisation for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE), is on the Board of Directors for Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA).

Gillian has research and teaching interests in the sciences and humanities and is particularly interested in inquiry forms of teaching and learning and the potential inquiry pedagogies have for the integration of science with other disciplines. Gillian’s latest co-authored book is Inquiry-based teaching and learning across disciplines: Comparative theory and practice in schools, and she currently has the book Disciplinarity and Educational Inquiry: conceptions and practices under contract.

Daniela Schmeinck isProfessor for Primary Science and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne and Executive Director of the Institute for Primary Science and Social Sciences, University of Cologne. Schmeinck is a member of the steering committee for the International Geographic Union - Commission on Geography Education (IGU-CGE) and Review Editor of the journal International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education (IRGEE). She is Vice-president of the European Association of Geographers (EUROGEO) and Director of Cologne Digital-Earth Centre of Excellence.

Schmeinck has research and teaching interests in science and social sciences and is particularly interested in research on conceptual change and on the impact of digital technologies on teaching and learning in Primary School.