Mathematical Approach to Climate Change and its Impacts
3 contributors - Paperback
Piermarco Cannarsa graduated from the University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore in 1979. He has been Professor of Mathematical Analysis at the University of Rome Tor Vergata since 1990. His scientific interests include partial differential equations and control theory. He has published about 130 articles in international journals as well as two books. He is President of the Italian Mathematical Union and the Italian Coordinator of the Associated International Laboratory (LIA) on Control, Optimization, Partial Differential Equations, and Scientific Computing (COPDESC).
Daniela Mansutti is Research Director at IAC-CNR. She graduated in Applied Mathematics at Sapienza University of Rome in 1984. Dr. Mansutti won a CNR fellowship for a two-year visit at Pittsburgh University (USA) and specialized in nonlinear modelling of continuum media with K.R. Rajagopal. She then became a research scientist at IAC. She has authored about 60 papers in peer-reviewed international ISI journals. As coordinator or WP principal investigator on national/transnational research calls, she has studied problems in several physical contexts (newtonian/non-newtonian flows, phase change, glaciology, ecosystems etc.) with partial differential equations numerical modelling and stability analysis.
Antonello Provenzale is the Director of IGG-CNR. His research areas are geosphere–biosphere interaction, climate dynamics, and ecosystems. He is a recipient of the Golden Badge Award of the European Geophysical Society. Dr. Provenzale has been an invited professor at ENS and Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, Ben Gurion University in Israel, and University of Colorado in Boulder (USA). He is Coordinator of the EU H2020 project "ECOPOTENTIAL" and WP Lead in the H2020 project “eLTER Plus”, as well as Coordinator of the Global Ecosystem Initiative of GEO. He is the author of more than 150 papers in peer-reviewed international ISI journals.