Daniela Colombini Editor & Author

Daniela Colombini is a certified European Ergonomist and a senior researcher at the Research Unit Ergonomics of Posture and Movement, Milan, where she developed methods for the analysis, evaluation and management of risk and damage from occupational biomechanical overload. She was Professor at the School of Specialization in Occupational Medicine in University of Milan and University of Florence. She is the coauthor of the OCRA method (EN 1005-5 standard and ISO 11228-3). She is founder and President of the EPM International Ergonomics School EPMIES. She has been working with accredited native teachers in countries such as USA, France, India, Spain, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Brazil and other South America Countries. She is a member of the Ergonomics Committee of UNI working in the international commissions of CEN and ISO.

Enrico Occhipinti is a Certified European Ergonomist. He is professor at the School of Specialization in Occupational Medicine, University of Milano and director of the Research Unit Ergonomics of Posture and Movement (EPM) at Fondazione Don Gnocchi ONLUS-Milano. He developed and co-authored the OCRA method. He is a member and has been coordinator (up to 2012) of the Technical Committee on Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) and represents Italy in international commissions of the European Committee for Normalization (CEN) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) dealing with ergonomics and biomechanics.