Daniel Xerri Author & Editor

Daniel Xerri is a Lecturer in TESOL at the University of Malta, and the Chairperson of theELT Council within the Ministry for Education and Employment in Malta. He sits onIATEFL’s Conference Committee and on TESOL International Association’s ResearchProfessional Council. Between 2015 and 2017, he was the Joint Co-ordinator of the IATEFLResearch SIG. Xerri holds postgraduate degrees in English and Applied Linguistics, as well asa PhD in Education from the University of York. He is the author of many publications ondifferent areas of education, assessment and TESOL, including articles published in ELTJournal, English in Education, and International Journal of Research and Method inEducation. Further details about his work can be found at: www.danielxerri.com
Patricia Vella Briffa currently teaches at the University of Malta Junior College. She hastaught English to learners at various stages of language learning for general, specific,examination, or academic purposes. She holds a PhD from the University of Nottingham.Her research interests include language teaching and assessment. She was engaged in thedesign of a speaking component in the MATSEC ‘A’ level English examination, which wasawarded the Innovation in Assessment Prize by the British Council in 2014.