English and German Nationalist and Anti-Semitic Discourse, 1871-1945
3 contributors - Paperback
Geraldine Horan is Lecturer in German Language and Linguistics at University College London. She is the author of Mothers, Warriors, Guardians of the Soul. Female Discourse in National Socialism, 1924-1934 (2003) and co-editor of Landmarks in the History of the German Language (2009, repr. 2012) and has recently published on a range of linguistic topics, including the language of German and Irish women nationalists in the early twentieth century.
Felicity Rash is Professor of German Linguistics at Queen Mary, University of London. She is the author of The Language of Violence (2006), a close linguistics analysis of Hitler’s Mein Kampf. She is currently researching the role of the German ‘protectorates’ during the First World War and organizing a conference to mark the anniversary of the outbreak of that war.
Daniel Wildmann is the Deputy Director of the Leo Baeck Institute London and Senior Lecturer in History at Queen Mary, University of London. His most recent monograph is Der veränderbare Körper. Jüdische Turner, Männlichkeit und das Wiedergewinnen von Geschichte in Deutschland um 1900 (2009). He is currently working on a new project titled ‘A History of Visual Expressions of Anti-Semitism, Emotions and Morality’.