Promoting Service Leadership Qualities in University Students
2 contributors - Paperback
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tak Yan Lee (MSW, PhD) is an Associate Professor and Assistant Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences at the City University of Hong Kong. His teaching and research interests are in positive youth development, social work practice teaching and learning and group work. His research covers adolescent prostitution, positive youth development, parent-child communication, parental control and resilience of children and the elderly. He has provided consultancy to statutory bodies and social service agencies on civic awareness, youth development indices, moral values and behavior, socio-cultural beliefs, gambling behavior and compensated dating. He has published 330 pieces of work, including 50 refereed journal papers, 27 co-edited manual/books, 125 manual/book chapters, 10 professional journal papers, 32 manuals/papers on teaching in social work, 27 contract and consulting research reports, 45 conference papers/presentations, 12 occasional research reports and 2 book reviews.
Daniel T.L. Shek (PhD, FHKPS, BBS, SBS, JP) is Chair Professor of Applied Social Sciences in the Department of Applied Social Sciences and Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has taught social work students at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels for roughly thirty years. He was Dean of Students (1996-1998) and Dean of General Education (2006-2008) of New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was elected to be the Best Lecturer teaching the major courses in the Department of Social Work in 1995-1996. He is Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Youth Studies and Applied Research on Quality of Life and he also serves in the editorial board of many international refereed journals including Social Indicators Research and Journal of Adolescent Health. Daniel T.L. Shek has to date published over 85 books, 154 book chapters and more than 500 articles in international refereed journals.
Dr. Rachel C.F. Sun got her BSocSc and PhD at The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. She is Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. She is a Principal Investigator of school misbehavior research studies and Co-Principal Investigator of positive youth development programs and a service leadership program in Hong Kong. Her research areas include academic achievement motivation, school satisfaction, life satisfaction, positive youth development, problem behavior, school misbehavior, adolescent suicidal ideation and psychological health. She is a member of the editorial boards of Research on Social Work Practice and Frontiers in Child Health and Human Development.