Handbook of Social Psychology, Volume 2
3 contributors - Hardback
Susan T. Fiske, Ph.D.?is author of numerous journal articles and the Wiley college textbook, Social Beings, 1998, and with Gardner Lindzey and Daniel Gilbert, editor of the 4th edition of the Handbook of Social Psychology, McGraw-Hill 1998. Current editor of Annual Review of Psychology, (2000-2010). Professor Fiske's research addresses how stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination are encouraged or discouraged by social relationships, such as cooperation, competition, and power. Daniel T. Gilbert, Ph.D. His popular Stumbling onto Happiness, published by Knopf in May 2006 reflects his research on affective forecasting, which is an attempt to understand how and how well people predict their emotional reactions to future events. Gardner Lindzey, Center for Advanced Study in the Behaviorial Sciences, Stanford, CA.