Daniel Nordgård Author & Editor

Daniel Nordgård has a broad musical background, foremost as a musician and artist, but also as a project manager occupying different positions in the Norwegian music business. In particular, Nordgård has worked for music festivals and the live-sector in various positions. In 2007 and 2008, he was festival manager of the Quart Festival. Nordgård recently finished his doctorate in music with the dissertation Determining Factors on Digital Change in the Music Industries (2017). He teaches music business at the University of Agder’s master’s program on music management and works as a senior researcher at Agder Research, a private research institute. Nordgård’s work focuses on the music industry and the cultural industries, with a special emphasis on digital change. In 2013, he was appointed to lead the Norwegian Government’s committee on digital change in the music industry. Daniel Nordgård holds several positions on different national and international boards, including Gramo (the Norwegian collecting society for recording artists and record companies), The Norwegian Film Institute, and Gramart (the Norwegian featured artist organization). He is also a member of the board of the International Music Business Research Association (IMBRA).