Daniel Favrat Author

Daniel Favrat is professor emeritus at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and former director of EPFL Energy Center. Previously he was director of the Industrial Energy Systems Laboratory of EPFL for 25 years. His research includes systemic analyses in what is called environomics (a contraction of energy, environment and economics) for a more efficient design of integrated technologies based on both fossil and renewable energies. He also contributes to the design of advanced equipment for a more rational use of energy including heat pumps, fuel cells and District heating and cooling networks. He co-authored many journal papers on exergy and several books on thermodynamics and exergy. He is vice-chairman of the energy committee of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations and member of the editorial board of Energy. He is also a member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences and of the French National Academy of Technologies. He is also president of the international foundation for films on energy (fifel.ch), cofounder of ExerGo.ch and a fellow of Presans.com. Prof. Malick Kane is the head of the Thermal and Energetic Laboratory (LTE) of the University of Applied Sciences and Engineering, Western of Switzerland (HES-SO//FR). He currently teaches thermodynamics and energy conversion systems in the mechanical engineering department. He first obtained the title of PhD from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 2001 before joining the National Laboratory of research at Berkeley in California (LBNL) for a PostDoc until 2004. Before being appointed Professor in 2014 at the HES-SO