Daniel Ehls Author

Cornelius Herstatt is full professor and director of the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management. His research focuses on lead user and open innovation in global contexts. His recent work involves combining elements of this research with the investigation of community driven innovation projects. He holds a guest professorship with Tohoku-University in Sendai and is co-founder of the European Institute for Technology and Innovation Management (EITIM). Prof. Herstatt is a research alumni/fellow of the East-West Centre (Honolulu), JSPS (Japanese Society for promoting Science) and Templeton College in Oxford (UK).

Daniel Ehls is Senior Research Fellow and lecturer at the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). His research concentrates on Open and User Innovation and in particular on User Behavior and collaborating with distributed volunteers. He studied Technology Management and worked as a management consultant. After gaining his PhD he was invited scholar at Tokyo Tech University (Japan) and now leads the research unit 'Open Foresight' at the TIM institute of Professor Herstatt.