Gulliver's Travels (The Norton Library)
Jonathan Swift - Paperback
Daniel Cook is Lecturer in English at the University of Dundee. He is the author of Thomas Chatterton and Neglected Genius, 1760–1830 (2013), the editor of The Lives of Jonathan Swift (2011) and the co-editor (with Amy Culley) of Women's Life Writing: Gender, Genre, and Authorship, 1700–1850 (2012). Daniel has published essays on a range of topics ranging from Pope to Wordsworth in such journals as The Library, Philological Quarterly, and The Review of English Studies. Nicholas Seager is Lecturer in English at Keele University. He has published essays on authors ranging from John Bunyan to Oliver Goldsmith, and in journals including the Modern Language Review, The Library, Philological Quarterly, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, and The Eighteenth-Century Novel. He is the author of The Rise of the Novel: A Reader's Guide to Essential Criticism (2012) and a forthcoming monograph, Daniel Defoe and the History of Fictional Form.