Damian Morgan Author & Editor

Dr Jeff Wilks is a psychologist and lawyer specialising in travel health, safety and wellbeing. He works as a consultant for law firms, government agencies and the tourism industry. Jeff is lead author on seven safety books. He currently serves as an Adjunct Professor at Griffith and James Cook universities.

Professor Donna Pendergast is Dean and Head, School of Education and Professional Studies at Griffith University. Her research expertise is in education transformation and efficacy. Donna also has a background in hospitality and public health. She is Chair of the Queensland Council of Deans of Education (QCDE) and has published 22 books.

Professor Peter A. Leggat, AM, ADC is a medical practitioner and Co-Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Vector-borne and Neglected Tropical Diseases at James Cook University. He is the author of several books on travel medicine and infectious disease. Peter is also President of the International Society of Travel Medicine.

Professor Damian Morgan is a management specialist with research interest in risk management for visitors and businesses servicing visitors. Research partners include AGL, Destination Gippsland, Environment Protection Authority Victoria and Lifesaving Victoria. Damian currently teaches at James Cook University.