Dale W Manor Author

John H. Walton (PhD, Hebrew Union College) is professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College Graduate School. He is the author or coauthor of several books, including Chronological and Background Charts of the Old Testament; Ancient Israelite Literature in Its Cultural Context; Covenant: God’s Purpose, God’s Plan; The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament; and A Survey of the Old Testament. Daniel I. Block (D.Phil, University of Liverpool) is Gunther H. Knoedler Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College. Dale W. Manor (PhD, University of Arizona) is Professor of Archaeology and Bible at Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas. He has been the Field Director of the Tel Beth-Shemesh Excavation Project in Israel since 2000. In addition, he served on the staff of the Tel Miqne/Ekron and Tel Rehov Projects in Israel. He served as an Assistant to the Editor of the Anchor Bible Dictionary in which he has several articles. Additional articles appear in the Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, the Eerdmans' Dictionary of the Bible, and the New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible. V. Phillips Long (Ph.D., Cambridge) is professor of Old Testament, Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Richard Hess (PhD, Hebrew Union College) is Earl S. Kalland professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Denver Seminary.