Daisy Bogg Author

Daisy Bogg has worked within mental health and addiction services for the last twenty years, both for the NHS and also for voluntary sector organisations, from practitioner to Executive Director of Social Care for an integrated mental health trust. She is a qualified and HCPC registered social worker and has spent a large part of her career working within integrated health and social care environments, providing and developing professional leadership and integrated service improvement

She also holds the roles of ASYE Independent Chair for SE London ETF partnership, Co-Chair of the Social Perspectives Network and Visiting Fellow at Bournemouth University delivering a range of BIA programmes across the country. She was endorsed as an individual trainer by TCSW CPD endorsement scheme, as well as continuing to practice as an Approved Mental Health Professional and a Best Interest Assessor. Daisy is Professional Lead for the Social Work Resources project.


Maggie Challis has had a long career in adult, further and higher education, working as tutor, researcher, manager and national project leader.  She has worked with a range of professions, including medicine, nursing, physiotherapy and social work. She has published widely on APEL, work-based learning, person-centred learning and quality assurance in education, and has presented at conferences in places as diverse as Sweden, Israel, South Africa, Cameroon and the Czech Republic.  She has been an institutional auditor for the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, and has been external examiner on a range of professional programmes in 7 universities.

During the last year Maggie has worked with Save the Children to devise core competencies for child protection, and has continued to work as an Associate of DBC on contracts with DH and DfE.