Communicative Behaviour of a Language Learner
Dagmara Gałajda - Paperback
Dagmara Gałajda received her Ph.D. degree in Linguistics from the University of Silesia, where she now works as an assistant professor. Apart from communication studies, her research interests focus on the teachers’ action zone in facilitating group dynamics, affect in language learning, individual learner differences in SLA/FLL and reflective teaching. Recent publications include “Anxiety and perceived communication competence as predictors of willingness to communicate in ESL/FL classroom” in D. Gabryś-Barker, J. Bielska (eds) (2013), The Affective Dimension in Second Language Acquisition; Clevedon; and “Multilingual Matters, Communication Apprehension and Self-perceived Communication Competence as Variables Underlying Willingness to Communicate” in K. Piątkowska, E. Kościałkowska-Okońska (eds) (2013) Correspondences and Contrasts in Foreign Language Pedagogy and Translation Studies, Berlin: Springer-Verlag. She has co-edited three volumes (two in 2016 and one in 2017) in the series Second Language Learning and Teaching published by Springer-Verlag.