Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation
2 contributors - Hardback
D. Marc Kilgour is Professor of Mathematics at Wilfrid Laurier University and Adjunct Professor of Systems Design Engineering at University of Waterloo. His expertise in the application of mathematical principles to models of decision-making made him one of the earliest contributors to the emerging field of Group Decision and Negotiation, which he sees as lying the intersection of mathematics, engineering, and social science. In addition to his work as an originator of the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution, he has also contributed innovative applications of game theory and related methodologies to international relations, arms control, environmental management, negotiation, arbitration, voting, and fair division. He has been active in the organization of GDN meetings for over two decades, was President of the INFORMS Section on Group Decision and Negotiation in 2014-17, and received the INFORMS GDN Appreciation for Outstanding Service Award in 2017.
Colin Eden is Emeritus Professor of Management Science and Strategic Management at Strathclyde Business School. He has been involved in the Group Decision and Negotiation community from its outset. His research interests have been focused on the provision of group support as a part of strategy making in top management teams and problem structuring during operational research projects. Alongside these interests he has been involved in the analysis of project failure as a part of litigation, and in this work he has used a group support system to help unravel what happened in the projects. Recent research has explored the ways in which group decision support can aid teams in developing effective strategies to mitigate in complex risk situation where risk systemicity is rife (particularly with multiple vicious cycles).