Gadamer’s Hermeneutical Aesthetics
Cynthia R Nielsen - Hardback
Greg Lynch is Associate Professor of Philosophy at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois, where he teaches courses on a range of subjects, including hermeneutics, the history of philosophy, aesthetics, existentialism, and the philosophy of mind. His research focuses on issues in hermeneutics and the philosophy of language, particularly as they arise in the work of Hans-Georg Gadamer, Donald Davidson, and the ordinary language tradition.
Cynthia R. Nielsen is an Associate Professor at the University of Dallas, where she teaches courses in the areas of hermeneutics, aesthetics, the philosophy of music/art, and the history of philosophy. Her articles have appeared in journals such as Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, The Polish Journal of Aesthetics, and Philosophy and Literature. She has published two books, the most recent is entitled Interstitial Soundings:Philosophical Reflections on Improvisation, Practice, and Self-Making, which focuses on the philosophy and phenomenology of music as well as the social and political dimensions of music-making. Her current research centers on bringing Hans-Georg Gadamer's reflections on art into conversation with the insights and practices of 20th and 21st century music and art. She currently serves as the Secretary of the North American Society for Philosophical Hermeneutics.