What Is College Reading?
3 authors - Paperback
Alice S. Horning is Professor of Writing and Rhetoric at Oakland University, where she holds a joint appointment in Linguistics. Her research over her entire career has focused on the intersection of reading and writing. Her work has appeared in the major professional journals and in books published by the WAC Clearinghouse, Parlor Press, and Hampton Press. Her most recent books include Reading, Writing, and Digitizing: Understanding Literacy in the Electronic Age published in 2012 by Cambridge Scholars Publishing and Reconnecting Reading and Writing co-edited with Beth Kraemer, published in 2013 by the WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press. Deborah Gollnitz is Coordinator for Assessment and Program Evaluation in a K-12 public school district in the Midwest. After spending over ten years in the high school English classroom and several years as a leader in curriculum-technology integration, she pursued the study of feedback and the role it plays in student writing development. She comes to the instruction of English Language Arts through a love of writing and focuses on the importance of reading with full comprehension in the development of strong written language skills. Her current work includes oversight of her school district's K-12 ELA, World Language, English as a Second Language, and Reading departments. Cynthia R. Haller, Professor of English and Faculty Fellow at York College/City University of New York, teaches writing and rhetoric and has served in a number of administrative positions, including Writing Program Director, Writing Center Director, WAC Coordinator, First-Year Composition Coordinator, Deputy Chair of English, and Interim English Department Chair. Her published articles have appeared in the journals WPA: Writing Program Administration, Written Communication, and Technical Communication Quarterly, and she has contributed chapters to Reconnecting Reading and Writing, Environmental Rhetoric and Ecologies of Place, and Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration Across Disciplines.