Brian Friel's Dramatic Artistry
3 contributors - Paperback
DONALD E. MORSE is Professor of English and Rhetoric at Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. He is co-editor (with Csilla Bertha) of More Real Than Reality: The Fantastic in Irish Literature and the Arts (Greenwood Press, 1991) and editor of The Fantastic in World Literature and the Arts (Greenwood, 1987). He has contributed numerous articles on Joyce, Beckett, Auden, Vonnegut, American drama, adult development, and cognitive psychology to various journals.
MARSHALL B. TYMN is Professor of English at Eastern Michigan University. He is past President of The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, an internationally recognized scholar in science fiction and the fantastic, and he received the Pilgrim Award of the Science Fiction Research Association in 1990. The author of numerous books and dozens of articles, he is the series editor of Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy for Greenwood and The Year's Work in Science Fiction and Fantasy.
CSILLA BERTHA is Associate Professor of English and Irish at Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen, Hungary. Her publications include: two books in Hungary: Yeats the Playwright and English Literature in the 19th and the First Half of the 20th Centuries well as More Real Than Reality (Greenwood, 1991). She has also authored numerous articles in Hungary, Ireland, and the United States on Irish drama, Yeats, J.B. Keane, B. Friel, T. Murphy, the fantastic in Irish literature, and parallels between Irish and Hungarian literature.