Csaba Varga Author

Csaba Varga is a legal philosopher, researcher at the Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1965–), presently its Research Professor Emeritus. Having taught at the Eötvös Loránd University from 1982 on, he became a professor of legal theory (1992–2002) there. With the Pázmány Péter Catholic University refounded, he established and directed its Institute for Philosophy of Law (1995–2011), presently as Professor Emeritus. Visiting professorships at Lund, Berlin (FreeU), Canberra (ANU), Tokyo (Waseda), New Haven (Yale), Trento, Münster, Trier, Freiburg, Oñati (Int’lInst for SociolL), Stockholm, Krasnoyarsk (SFU). His professional interest spans from legal methodology via ontology and macrosociological theories of law to legal comparativism.