Crystal Renfro Author

Crystal Renfro is the Graduate Engineering Librarian for Kennesaw State University. She was one of the founding members of the Faculty Engagement Department at Georgia Institute of Technology Library. This department was one of the first of its kind, focusing all services on graduate students and faculty. She owns the Personal Knowledge Management for Academia & Librarians blog (, and was a 2008 ALA Emerging Leader. She has published in the Journal of Academic Librarianship, C&RL News, Reference Services Review, and was a book chapter contributor to Library Collection Development for Professional Programs: Trends and Best Practices (2013), to highlight only a few of her publications. She is a peer-reviewer for the Journal of Academic Librarianship.

Cheryl Stiles is the Director of the Graduate Library at Kennesaw State University and a Professor of Library Science. She has focused her career in academic libraries for the past twenty plus years. In 2005, she became the first KSU librarian dedicated exclusively to serving the needs of graduate students. Since that time she has overseen the growth of the KSU Graduate Library. In 2013 she started a professional mentoring program for the library system and during 2016-2017 she coordinated a yearlong professional writing program. As a member of the Board of Directors of the Georgia Writers Association and a member of Georgia’s Writers Registry, she has published numerous scholarly articles, poems, and creative nonfiction essays, and she has completed all coursework for a doctorate in English from Georgia State University.