Cristina Poncibó Editor

Larry A. DiMatteo is Huber Hurst Professor of Contract Law at the Warrington College of Business and Levin College of Law, University of Florida. He was the University of Florida's 2012 Teacher-Scholar of the Year and is the former Editor-in-Chief of the American Business Law Journal. He is the author, coauthor, and coeditor of more than 150 publications, including 15 books. His books include Judicial Control over Arbitral Awards (edited; Cambridge University Press, 2020); The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms (edited; Cambridge University Press, 2020); Comparative Contract Law: British and American Perspectives (edited; Oxford University Press, 2016); and International Sales Law: Principles, Contracts and Practice (edited; Beck, Hart, & Nomos, 2016). Cristina Poncibò is Professor of Comparative Private Law at the Law Department of the University of Turin, Collegio Carlo Alberto Affiliate and Faculty Member at the Georgetown Law (Center for Transnational Legal Studies, London). She is also a Fellow of the Transatlantic Technology Law Forum (Stanford Law School and Vienna School of Law). Her most recent books include Contracting and Contract Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (edited; Hart, 2022) and The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms (edited; Cambridge University Press, 2019). She is the scientific director of the Master's in International Trade Law at the University of Turin, ITC-ILO, in cooperation with Unicitral and Unidroit. In her career, she has been a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow (Université Panthéon-Assas) and a Max Weber Fellow (European University Institute). Michel Cannarsa is Dean of Law at Lyon Catholic University, France. His areas of research are international and European law, commercial law, comparative law, consumer law, law of obligations, and legal translation. His recent works have focused on the interaction between law and technology, contract, and products liability law, including The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms (Cambridge University Press, 2019); 'Interpretation of Contracts and Smart Contracts,' European Review Private Law (2018); 'Remedies and Damages,' in Chinese Contract Law, Civil and Common Law Perspectives (DiMatteo and Lei, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2017); and La responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux: étude comparative (Giuffrè, 2005). He is a fellow of the European Law Institute.