Racial Justice, Policies and Courts' Legal Reasoning in Europe
2 contributors - Paperback
María Elósegui
Full Professor of Philosophy of Law and Chair in the Faculty of Law at the University of Saragossa (Spain). PhD in Law and PhD in Philosophy. Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation with Professor Robert Alexy in the University Christian Albrechts, in Kiel (Germany). Expert independent of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance of the Council of Europe (ECRI) for 2013-2017. She has been visiting Professor in Glasgow University (Posdoctoral fellow), la Faculté de Droit de Saint Louis, Brussels (Belgium), UCLA, Chicago, Toronto and Laval (Canadá). She received the award Luis Portero for her book on Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism in 2008. Member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Spain. Director of the PhD Programme on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms at the University of Saragossa (Spain). Author of 15 books and 86 articles, on legal Argumentation, equality of Races, the Right of Cultural Identity and Gender. For instance, El concepto jurisprudencial de acomodamiento razonable. El Tribunal Supremo de Canadá y el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos ante la Gestión de la Diversidad Cultural y Religiosa en el Espacio Público, Cizur Menor (Pamplona), Aranzadi, 2013.
Cristina Hermida
Professor of Philosophy of Law in the Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain). PhD in Law. Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Prof. Jean Monnet. Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Spain. Member of the Spanish Association for Spanish Philosophy since 1995. Awarded the Decoration of Honour in Gold for Services to the Republic of Austria in 2011 by President Fischer of the Republic of Austria (Goldene Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich). Awarded a Diploma in 2012 in gratitude for the substantial personal contribution to the educational and scientific sphere development, support for initiatives, active facilitation of Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, positive image in the international educational environment and on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the University establishment. In 2013, awarded a fellowship by the National Science Council of Taiwan to teach and research in the National University of Taipei (College of Law-The Center for Criminal Law Studies). Author of books and articles on Spanish thought, Philosophy of Law and European Union Law.