Art and Fiesta in Mexico City
Cristina Alonso - Paperback
Osvaldo M. Querin is Associate Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Leeds in the UK. He is Senior Member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (FRAeS) and secretary of the Association for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization in UK (ASMO-UK). He has taught: aerospace flight mechanics, aerospace structures, aircraft design, design optimization, finite element analysis, rotary wing aircraft and structural analysis. His research interests lie in structural topology optimization, having been instrumental in the development of the Bi-directional ESO (BESO), Sequential Element Rejection and Addition (SERA) and Isolines/Isosurfaces Topology Design (ITD) methods of topology optimisation. He has published 8 edited books, 3 book chapters, 52 journal and 87 conference publications. Resent research projects are: A biomimetic, self-tuning, fully adaptable smart lower limb prosthetics with energy recover; Carbon fibre tape spring for self-deploying space structures; Development of an automated structural optimisation process for small aerospace parts; and Advanced Lattice Structures for Composite Airframes (ALaSCA). Mariano Victoria is Associate Professor of Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Structures in the Departamento de Estructuras y Construcción at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena in Spain. He has worked in the aeronautical industry and since 2001 he has taught: analysis of structures, elasticity and strength of materials, and structural optimization methods. His research has focused on the topology optimization of continuum structures. Cristina Alonso has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of the Basque Country in Spain, an MSc in Industrial Engineering from the University of Navarre in Spain and an MSc in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management from Imperial College London in the UK. Her research has focused on the development of topology optimization algorithms. She has worked at: Procter & Gamble (Germany), SENER (Spain), the University of Leeds (UK) and McKinsey & Company (Spain). Rubén Ansola works as Industrial Engineer in the Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao in Spain. He has taught: design of aircraft structures, strength of materials and theory of elasticity. His research has focused on the shape and topology optimization of structures and compliant mechanisms design. Recent projects include: Integration of topology optimization and 3D additive manufacturing technologies; Optimization of fibre reinforced materials applied to railway industry and Thermo-mechanic topology optimization of aeronautical components. Pascual Martí is Professor of Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Structures in the Departamento de Estructuras y Construcción at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena in Spain. He has taught: computational mechanics, steel structures and theory of structures. His research has focused on robust optimal design; size, shape and topology optimization of structural and mechanical systems, and uncertainty models.