History Education in the Digital Age
3 contributors - Hardback
Mario Carretero is Professor at Autónoma University of Madrid, where he was Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, and Researcher at FLACSO (Argentina). He has carried out an extensive research on history education. Some of his publications are History Education and the Construction of National Identities (2012) (co-ed.), Constructing Patriotism (funded by the Guggenheim Foundation) (2011), Palgrave Handbook of Research in Historical Culture and Education (2017) (co-ed.) and Historical Reenactment. New Ways of Experiencing History, Berghahn (2022 co-ed.). Presently he is the coordinator of the digital project.
María Cantabranas is a History graduate, Master in Gender Studies and fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) at FLACSO, Argentina. She develops her doctoral research on dialogical practices in history education. She is the author of the module "Gender and the Nation" in the digital project. She has published “La celebración del patrimonio histórico en Uruguay” [“Celebrating Historical Heritage in Uruguay”], Íber (2019), and La participación de las mujeres en el Movimiento Vecinal durante el Tardofranquismo y la Transición[Women's Participation in the Neighborhood Movement during Late Francoism and the Transition], Ed. Universidad Autónoma, Madrid (2011).
Cristian Parellada is a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of La Plata and postdoc researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). His research interests are related to history education and historical narratives, specifically in relation to how historical maps are represented by both students and textbooks. Some of his latest publications are "Historical borders and maps as symbolic supports to master narratives" (Theory & Psychology., 2022). He is the co-the author of the module "Learning with maps" in the digital project.