Cristian Cortés-Rivera Editor

Pablo Fossa is Director of the Cognition & Culture Laboratory (C&C) of Instituto de Bienestar Socioemocional (IBEM) at the Faculty of Psychology, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile. He received a PhD degree in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. His doctoral thesis dealt with the expressive dimension of inner language in human experience. He did a postdoctoral fellowship financed by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) of Chile, with a research project on thought trajectories from a microgenetic orientation. His lines of research are related to Cognition, Cultural Psychology and Phenomenology. He is an active member of the Society for Historical Cultural Activity Research (ISCAR), the International Society for Dialogical Self (ISDS), and the International Society for Theoretical Psychology (ISTP). He is the editor of the book Latin American Advances in Subjectivity and Development: Through Vygotsky Route (Springer, 2021), New Perspectives on Inner Speech (Springer, 2022), and the book Inner Speech, Culture & Education (Springer, 2022). Currently, he is PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of Navarra, Spain.

Cristian Cortés-Rivera is Professor and researcher at The Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neurosciences Research Center (CINPSI Neurocog) at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile. He received a Ph.D. in Developmental Sciences and Psychopathology from the Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile. His doctoral thesis addressed the role of emotion in executive functioning, at behavioral and neurophysiological levels. His lines of research address the relationship between Cognition, Affectivity, and Learning. He is also a member of the Cognition & Culture Laboratory (C&C) and the Affective Neurosciences Laboratory of the Instituto de Bienestar Socioemotional (IBEM) at the Faculty of Psychology, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile.