Mosby's Textbook of Dental Nursing
2 authors - Paperback
A. BLOCH-ZUPAN is a world wide known expert in odontogenetics. Her research interests are craniofacial and specifically palate and tooth development and their abnormalities. Her originality is to combine approaches both in mice and humans presenting these palate and teeth developmental defects as clinical phenotypical manifestations of rare diseases. She is also leading the D[4]/phenodent (see www.phenodent.org) registry for human dental anomalies and a PHRC on Amelogenesis imperfecta.1988 Doctor in Dental Sciences; 1994 PhD, Developmental Biology; 2004 Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg; Since 2007 Professor (PU-PH) in Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Strasbourg, France; Reference Centre for Oro-Dental manifestations of rare diseases, Service de Médecine et Soins BuccoDentaires, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg; IGBMC Team Leader, Orodental Development and Anomalies llkirch (France). Since 2009 Honorary Professor Eastman Dental Institute, University College London (UCL) and Hospital. Since 2008 Board-Member of the European Society of Human Genetics; Since 2008 President of the scientific committee of the patient support group Hypophosphatasia Europe. 2005-2007 Associate Professor in Oral Biology; 2003-1994 Associate Professor in Paediatric Dentistry; Faculty of Dentistry, University of Strasbourg, France; 2000-2003 Senior Clinical Lecturer in Paediatric Dentistry with Honorary Consultant status, Eastman Dental Institute for Oral Health Care Sciences, University College London (UCL) and Hospital,London, UK; 1998 Institute of Dental Research, Honorary Visiting Dental Officer, Westmead Hospital Dental Clinical School, Australia. 2003-2008 Chairperson and expert of the working group WG3 Genetics/Anomalies of the European COST (European Concerted Research Action B23) “Oral facial development and regeneration. Crispian Scully is a Director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Oral Health-General Health; and is emeritus Professor at UCL. He is Co-Editor of Oral Diseases, Medicina Oral, and Associate Editor of the Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry.Crispian Scully is Past-President of the International Academy of Oral Oncology, European Association of Oral Medicine, British Society for Oral Medicine and British Society of Disability and Oral Health, he has served as Dean in Bristol and UCL; on the General Dental Council; on the Councils of the Royals colleges in Glasgow and Edinburgh; and on committees of NICE and CRUK, He has written and edited over 45 books, written over 150 book chapters and has over 1000 papers cited on MEDLINE. He has received the CBE, University of Helsinki Medal of Honour, University of Santiago de Compostela Medal, University of Granada Medal, Fellowship of UCL, and honorary degrees from the Universities of Athens, Granada, Helsinki and Pretoria. He has received the UK Dental Award for the Most Outstanding Achievements in Dentistry, the Awards of the Spanish Society for Oral Medicine and the Hellenic Society for Oral Medicine, and the International Award of the Spanish Society for Oral Surgery.