Cosima Bruno Editor

Cosima Bruno is Senior Lecturer in China Studies, SOAS, University of London, UK. She is the author of Between the Lines: Yang Lian’s Poetry through Translation (2012), and co-editor (with Francesca Tarocco) of the anthology of contemporary Chinese fiction Made in China (2008). She has published literary translations and several essays on contemporary Chinese, Sinophone, and bilingual poetry. Lucas Klein is Associate Professor in Chinese Literature at the University of Hong Kong. He is author of The Organization of Distance: Poetry, Translation, Chineseness ( 2018), and of essays appearing in Comparative Literature Studies, LARB, Jacket, CLEAR and PMLA, among others. His translation Notes on the Mosquito: Selected Poems of Xi Chuan (2012) won the 2013 Lucien Stryk Prize. Other translations include Mang Ke’s October Dedications (2018), and poetry by Li Shangyin and Duo Duo. He co-edited (with van Crevel) Chinese Poetry and Translation: Rights and Wrongs (2019). Chris Song is Research Development Manager at Lingnan University, Hong Kong. An award-winning poet and prolific translator, he has published five books of poems and many volumes of literary translations. He has co-edited Translating Chinese Art and Modern Literature (2019) and has been managing editor of the Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese, and its successor Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature. He is editor-in-chief of the Hong Kong-based Chinese-English bilingual Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine, and executive director of the International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong.