Illustrations of the Logic of Science
Charles Sanders Peirce - Paperback
Cornelis de Waal received his PhD from the University of Miami in 1997. He is associate professor at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis and is editor-in-chief of the Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society. From 1998 till 2011 he was one of the editors of the Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition (1981–). He has written or edited several books, including On Peirce (2001), On Pragmatism (2005), and Susan Haack: A Lady of Distinctions: The Philosopher Responds to Her Critics (2007).
Krzysztof (Chris) Piotr Skowron´ski, PhD, currently teaches contemporary philosophy, esthetics, cultural anthropology, Polish philosophy, and American philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy, Opole University, Poland. He co-organizes annual conferences on American and European values and is the author of Values and Powers: Re-reading the Philosophy of American Pragmatism (2009) and Santayana and America: Values, Liberties, Responsibility (2007). He also coedited Under Any Sky: Contemporary Readings of George Santayana (with Matthew Flamm; 2007), American and European Values: Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives (with Matthew Flamm and John Lachs; 2008), and The Continuing Relevance of John Dewey:Reflection on Aesthetics, Morality, Science, and Society (with Larry Hickman, Matthew Flamm, and Jennifer Rea; 2011).