Aesthetics of the Commons
3 authors - Paperback
Felix Stalder is professor of digital culture in the Department Fine Arts at Zurich University of the Arts and principal investigator for the “Creating Commons” research project. He not only works as an academic, but also as a cultural producer, being a moderator of the mailing list and a member of the World Information Institute as well as the Technopolitics Working Group, both in Vienna. Among his recent publications are Digital Solidarity and The Digital Condition.Cornelia Sollfrank is an artist, researcher, and educator living in Berlin. She is currently a research associate at the Zurich University of the Arts for the “Creating Commons” project. She was cofounder of the collectives women-and-technology, -Innen, Old Boys Network, and #purplenoise. She is the author of The Beautiful Warriors. Technofeminist Praxis in the Twenty-First Century. Shusha Niederberger is an artist and educator who has been active in the field of media art, autonomous technological practice, and education. Since 2014, she is directing the art education department of HeK (House of electronic arts Basel). She is also a lecturer for contemporary net cultures at F+F Schule für Kunst und Gestaltung Zürich, and currently is research associate at the University of the Arts in Zürich for the project ‘Creating Commons.’