Corinne Rogers Editor & Author

Luciana Duranti is a Professor of archival theory, diplomatics, and the preservation of digital records in the master’s and doctoral archival studies programs at the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies of the University of British Columbia (UBC). Duranti is Director of the Centre for the International Study of Contemporary Records and Archives (CISCRA— and of InterPARES, the largest and longest living publicly funded research project on the long-term preservation of authentic electronic records (1998-2018—, the fourth phase of which (and focuses on the records created, managed, maintained and/or preserved in a networked online environment. She has also been the Director of the Digital Records Forensics Project and the Records in the Clouds Project, and she is co-Director of the Law of Evidence in the Digital Environment Project. Duranti is the President of the Association of Canadian Archivists (2016-2018).
Corinne Rogers is Project Coordinator for InterPARES Trust (2013-2018), and international research partnership funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). As an adjunct professor in the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (the iSchool) at the University of British Columbia, she has taught diplomatics, and currently teaches digital diplomatics and digital records forensics, and digital preservation. She has a senior management background in the not-for-profit sector where she has developed information and privacy policy, and implemented records management. From 2006-2012 Corinne participated in the InterPARES research (International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems) and she is co-author of Digital Records Pathways: Topics in Digital Preservation – a suite of online educational resources produced by InterPARES for the International Council on Archives. Corinne’s research interests include information ethics and issues of online identity and authenticity in the digital environment.