Constantin A Panchenko Author

Constantin A. Panchenko is an Associate Professor, Department of Middle and Near East History, Institute of Asian and African Studies, at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. He is the author of about 100 academic publications, including two monographs, collections of essays, articles and abstracts on the history of the Middle East. His major sphere of interest is the history of the Christian Arabs, particularly the Middle Eastern Greek Orthodox community in the Middle Ages and Early Modern period. Brittany Pheiffer Noble holds an M.A. in Religion from Yale University School of Divinity and a doctorate in Russian Literature from Columbia University, New York. She is the co-translator with Samuel Noble  of Arab Orthodox under the Ottomans:1518-1831, Constantin Panchenko. Jordanville, NY: Holy Trinity Seminary Press, May, 2016. She lives in Leuven, Belgium.  Samuel Noble is a doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Theology and Religion Studies at the Louvain Centre for Eastern and Oriental Christianity at KU, Leuven in Belgium. He is the co-editor of The Orthodox Church in the Arab World: An Anthology of Sources, 700-1700 (Northern Illinois University Press,2014) and co-translator of Arab Orthodox Christians under the Ottomans: 1516-1831. (Holy Trinity Seminary Press,2016)