Colleen Harris Editor & Author

June Halper is a certified adult nurse practitioner who has specialized in multiple sclerosis since 1978. She is the executive director of the Gimbel Multiple Sclerosis Center, past president and now executive director of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers. She is a member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, the founding director of the International Organization of MS Nurses (IOMSN), and a Fellow into the American Academy of Nursing.

Colleen Harris is a Nurse Coordinator/Nurse Practitioner at the University of Calgary MS Clincic. Colleen is one of the founders and a past president of the International Orginization of MS Nurses(IOMSN).

Kathleen Costello is an Adult Nurse Practioner and Clinical Director of the Maryland Center for Multiple Sclerosis, located at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. She collaborates with physicians at the Center to assist in the evaluation process and to provide ongoing care for persons with multiple sclerosis.