Colin Nicholls QC Author

Colin Nicholls QC of 3 Raymond Buildings is a leading international criminal lawyer specializing in complex commercial crime cases including corruption, extradition, and war crimes. He acted for the defence in the Guinness case, Brent Walker, and BCCI, and gave evidence to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Bribery Bill. He has been a part-time judge, and is Honorary Life President of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association. Tim Daniel is a Litigation Partner at Edwards Wildman Palmer UK LLP. He has extensive experience of major civil cases concerned with corruption and asset recovery, on which he has written and spoken widely. He is the former Honorary Treasurer of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association, and is Honorary Joint Secretary of the British Branch of the International Law Association. Alan Bacarese is Head of Legal and Case Consultancy at the International Centre for Asset Recovery, Basel Institute on Governance. Professor John Hatchard is Professor at the Open University, School of Law and Vice-President of the Commonwealth Legal Education Association. He has written widely on criminal law, human rights, and good governance issues.