Colin Archer Editor

Reiner Braun is Co-president of the International Peace Bureau, Switzerland, Executive Director of the International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms (IALANA), and a founding member of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES).Colin Archer is a former Secretary-General of the International Peace Bureau, Switzerland. For 10 years he was the Coordinator of a solidarity center in the developing world, and he has been involved in a wide range of peace and disarmament projects. Ingeborg Breines is a former director of UNESCO on Women and a Culture of Peace, and a UNESCO representative to Pakistan and to the UN in Geneva, Switzerland. Manas Chatterji is a Professor of Management at Binghamton University at State University of New York, USA. He is the author of 35 books and several articles in the areas of peace science, military spending, disarmament, conflict management, and environmental and urban management. Amela Skiljan is the Coordinator of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) in Berlin, Germany.