Colette Mathur Editor

Tarun Das is the chief mentor of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). He is closely connected to various policy-making bodies of the Indian government. He is the recipient of the Blackwill Award from the US-India Business Council for his contribution to Indo-US economic cooperation. Colette Mathur is the World Economic Forum's director for India. She developed a keen interest in India in the 1960s and followed very closely the country's political, economic and social development. She established a broad network of key Indian decision makers, and has been interviewed on India's economic policies and reforms in various Indian and international media. Frank-Jurgen Richter is the president of HORASIS: The Global Visions Community, a Geneva-based strategic advisory focusing on long-term scenarios related to corporate globalization and strategic risk. Formerly, he was the World Economic Forum's director for Asian affairs.