Clemens Walther Editor

Dharmendra K. Gupta is Sr. Scientist of Environmental Biotechnology and already published more than 70 refereed research papers/review articles in peer reviewed journals and edited nine books. His field of research includes abiotic stress by heavy metals/radionuclides and xenobiotics in plants; antioxidative system in plants, environmental pollution (heavy metal/radionuclide) remediation through plants (phytoremediation).
Clemens Walther is professor of radioecology and radiation protection and director of the Institute for Radioecology and Radiation Protection at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. He published more than 100 papers in peer reviewed journals. His field of research is actinide chemistry with a focus on solution species and formation of colloids, ultra-trace detection and speciation of radionuclides in the environment by mass spectrometry and laser spectroscopy.