Breakdown and Change of Private Interest Governments
Claudius Wagemann - Paperback
Jürgen R. Grote has been Senior Research Fellow at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and coordinator of an international network on Labour Relations in Context. He has held the Marie Curie Chair in Public Policy at Charles University in Prague and has worked as Associate Professor, Lecturer and Research Fellow at the MZES-Mannheim; the EUI-Florence; and the Universities of Konstanz, Darmstadt, Potsdam, Jena and Osnabrück. His main research interests include topics such as forms of organized collective action by both capital and labour, European integration, critical governance and relational analysis, on which he has published and co-edited many articles and several books.
Claudius Wagemann is Professor of Qualitative Empirical Social Science Methods at the Goethe University Frankfurt, where he served as Dean of Studies and as director of the inter-faculty Methods Centre. Before this he worked as a scholar at the then Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane (SUM), as Research Associate at the EUI Florence and as an Adjunct Professor at New York University’s and Stanford University’s study abroad programmes. He has extensively worked on set-theoretic methods, above all Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Fuzzy Sets, where he has co-authored a leading textbook in the field (Cambridge University Press, 2012). His interests extend to topics of the mobilization of right-wing extremists, the quality of democracy and interest group research in general.