Claudio Sterle Editor

Antonio Sforza is a Full Professor of Operational Research at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the University ‘Federico II’ of Naples. His research activity is devoted to discrete and network optimisation, with applications to traffic management and control, transportation planning, logistics, urban security, critical infrastructure protection, and industrial process management. He organised national and international conferences and workshops on these themes. He is referee of many international journals and author of more than 100 publications on books, journals, national and international conference proceedings. He is a member of the Scientific Board of CIRO (Italian Interuniversity Center for Operational Research).
Claudio Sterle received the Laurea degree Summa Cum Laude in Management Engineering (2006) at University ‘Federico II’ of Naples and the PhD in Computer Science and Automatic Control (2009) at the Department of Computer Science and Systems of the same university. Now he is at Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, where he is currently an Assistant Professor in Operations Research. His research interests include exact and heuristic methods for combinatorial and network optimisation problems with applications to logistics and transportation, critical infrastructure protection, security system design and industrial process management.