Claudio Giulio Anta Author

Claudio Giulio Anta earned a doctorate in the History of Political Thought from the University of Turin. His research interests include the political and institutional aspects of the European integration process and the history of pacifism in the twentieth century. His previous books include Il rilancio dell’Europa. Il progetto di Jacques Delors, 2004; Padri dell’Europa. Sette brevi ritratti, 2005 (published in French by Peter Lang as Les pères de l’Europe. Sept portraits); The Europeanism of Winston Churchill, 2009; Guerre à la guerre. La leçon de «Coenobium», Peter Lang, 2012; Lord Lothian: The Paths of Federalism, Peter Lang, 2014; Albert Einstein: The Roads to Pacifism, Peter Lang, 2017 (published in German as Albert Einstein – Wege zum Pazifismus).