A Plurilingual Corpus on Telecollaboration in Third Languages
2 contributors - Paperback
Claudia Grümpel is Professor for German as a Foreign Language at the University Alicante (Spain). She holds a PhD in Theoretical Linguistics and Language Acquisition from the University Complutense (Spain) and graduated from the University Heidelberg (Germany) in Translation Studies for German, French and Spanish. In the field of research, she published studies on Second Language Acquisition and Discourse Analysis. Her recent research addresses intercultural online exchange. She is the author of the L3Task Project funded by the European Commission in the frame of the Life Long Learning Programme.
Analía Cuadrado Rey holds a PhD in Translation Studies and Master in Institutional Translation of the University Alicante (Spain). She teaches at the Translation and Interpreting Department. She published several research works on Translation, Phraseology Translation and Teaching and German as a Foreign Language. Her recent research addresses intercultural online exchange.