Steel Tongue Drum Songbook
Claudia Groß - Paperback
Stefan Heusinkveld is associate professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His research concentrates on the production and consumption of management ideas, and professions. He has published widely on these topics, and has edited special issues in various academic journals. He is co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of Management Ideas (2019). Marlieke van Grinsven is assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research focuses on narrative constructions of organizational realities in processes of change. She is particularly interested in the uptake and translation of management knowledge and the identity processes involved. She has published in various organization and management journals. Claudia Groß is assistant professor at the Radboud University, Nijmegen. Her research focuses on the flow of management ideas and how to design organizations that support ethical behaviour. She has published in various journals and communicates her academic insights to the wider public via TV, newspaper and internet contributions. David Greatbatch is Honorary Visiting Professor in the York Management School at the University of York. His research focuses on the use of oratory by management gurus and corporate executives. He has published widely in leading international journals and is co-author of Management Speak: Why We Listen to What Management Gurus Tell Us (with Timothy Clark, 2005). Timothy Clark is Provost and Professor at Singapore Management University. His research focuses on oratory in management guru lectures and the nature of consultancy work. The publications emanating from this work include Management Speak (with David Greatbatch, 2005), and The Oxford Handbook of Management Consulting (with Matthias Kipping, 2012).