Clare Morkane Author

Kate Flavin is an advanced trainee in Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Medicine in London. She has taken the MRCP, FRCA and FFICM and passed all components at the first attempt. Her experience as a senior trainee coupled with having recently sat the Final FFICM gives her a unique insight into the best approach to revision and what is required to achieve a pass. Clare Morkane is a dual Anaesthetic and Intensive Care Medicine registrar in London. Having recently undertaken the FFICM exams, she has a sound grasp of the syllabus and a real understanding of what it takes to pass. Sarah Marsh is a consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at Harrogate District Hospital, having obtained a Joint CCT in both disciplines in 2012. She has been involved in post-graduate education following the successful completion of the FRCA final exam in 2008, and is now the Course Director for the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine's exam preparatory course and the Deputy National Lead for e-ICM.