Ciprian Adrian Rusen Author

Richard Newton and Ciprian Adrian Rusen are both experienced project managers having delivered projects worth millions of dollars.
Richard Newton is the author of the bestselling Project Management book The Project Manager, part of the FT prentice Hall series as well as several other titles on the topic. He runs his own management consultancy firm having consulted for Cap Gemini Ernst & Young and been the Head of Solutions Delivery at Energis and the commercial director at Telewest Broadband.
Ciprian runs various blogs and online ventures and has a solid social media profile across Linkedin, twitter, goggle plus and facebook. He runs his own technology blog with over 240k monthly visits — covering mainly technology but also productivity.
Richard and Ciprian have blogged together and run virtual conferences together for clients. They are both bloggers at a project management blog with 3k monthly page views. They both speak regularly at a variety of events such as the association of project managers and the change management institute, and have also done webcasts and video shows. They are also engaged with the HE sector having spoken at the London Business School and Canfield, on topics of change management and project management.