Lingua Latina - Sallustius et Cicero: Catilina
2 authors - Paperback
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106–43 BCE) was a Roman lawyer, orator, politician and philosopher. Born at Arpinium of a wealthy local family and educated in Rome, Cicero went on to a successful political career and became one of the greatest Roman orators. His life coincided with the last days of the Roman Republic and his works reflect the turmoil of that period. Katharine Radice is Head of Classics at Westminster School, London. She has co-edited Ovid's Amores III (Bloomsbury, 2011), and is the co-author of Advanced Latin: Materials for A2 and PreU (Bloomsbury, 2009), and the OCR endorsed AS Latin OxBox (2008). Catherine Steel is Professor of Classics, University of Glasgow. Her publications include the Cambridge Companion to Cicero (ed, 2013) and The End of the Roman Republic, 146-44 B.C.: Conquest and Crisis (2013) and Reading Cicero: Genre and Performance in Late Republican Rome (Bloomsbury, 2005).